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China Panorama


Autore: Chen Xiang
Editore: Higher Education Press
Anno di pubblicazione: 2011
Ristampa: 2015
Titolo in cinese: 中国概况
Lingua: cinese, inglese
Pagine: 191
Formato: brossura



China Panorama – Un’antologia di brani scelti sulla cultura cinese di ieri e di oggi

China Panorama  è stato scritto con lo scopo di divulgare le conoscenze principali della cultura e della civiltà cinese tra coloro che studiano la lingua cinese, in modo da accompagnare armoniosamente lo studio della lingua e accrescere interesse e motivazione. Particolare attenzione è stata posta nella scelta dei contenuti che non riguardano solo le glorie del passato cinese, ma presentano in maniera progressiva il percorso e l’evoluzione delle varie manifestazioni culturali dal passato alle epoche più recenti fino alla contemporaneità, con brani che trattano dei momenti di contatto con l’occidente e delle reciproche influenze culturali.

Ogni lezione si apre con un’introduzione in inglese ed è composta da più testi in cinese, ogni testo presenta titolo e domande introduttive in cinese e inglese; a lato sono spiegati in inglese alcuni vocaboli chiave segnalati nel testo, oltre ad interessanti note culturali; seguono esercizi di varia tipologia con indicazione del livello di HSK corrispondente e proposte bibliografiche o sitografiche per approfondimenti sul tema trattato nell’unità. Fotografie e immagini a colori illustrano riccamente i testi.

Il testo è adatto a studenti di lingua cinese con un livello corrispondente all’HSK 4-5, e può essere utilizzato in classe, per un corso o anche come materiale per l’autoapprendimento; può rappresentare inoltre una valida fonte di materiale facilmente didattizzabile per insegnati che debbano preparare lezioni di cultura in lingua.

Indice dei contenuti:


  1. 地理环境与中国文化  – The Geographical Enviroment and Chinese Culture
    1. 中国地理环境的主要特点 – The Main Characteristics od China’s Geographical Enviroment
    2. 地理环境对中国农业文明的影响 – The Influence od Geographical Enviroment over China’s Agricultural Civilization
    3. 儒家文化与古代农业文明 –  Confucianism and Ancient Agricultural Civilization
    4. 农业与人口变动、语言变迁 – Agriculture and Changes in Population and Language
    5. 练习 – Exercises
  2. 中国历史与社会 – The History and Society of China
    1. 中国的早期历史与文明 – The Early History and Civilization of China
    2. 孔子及其影响 – Confucius and His Influence
    3. 古代中国的强盛与衰落 – The Rise and Fall of Ancient China
    4. 中国社会的现代转型 – China’s Transition to a Modern Society
    5. 练习- Exercises
  3. 中国传统思想 – Chinese Traditional Thoughts
    1. 先秦:中国思想的形成与繁荣 – Pre-Qin Times: The Making and Prosperity of Chinese Thought
    2. 汉代思想的统一活跃 – Integration and Vibracy of Thought in Han Dynasty
    3. 思想大繁荣与魏晋风度 – Great Boom of Thought and Wei-Jin Demeanor
    4. 唐代思想的推陈出新 – Creative Efforts in Thought in Tang Dynasty
    5. 宋明理学:儒家思想的再创造 Neo-Confucianism in Song and Ming Dynasties: Recreation of Cunfucianism
    6. 清初三大家的启蒙思想 – Enlightment of Three Great Thinkers of Early Qing Dynasty
    7. 练习 – Exercises
  4. 古代中国人的生活 – Ancient Chinese People’s Life
    1. 孤岛中国热的衣食住行 – Basic Necessities of Ancient Chinese
    2. 古代中国的语言文字 – Language and Characters of Ancient China
    3. 古代传统艺术的魅力 – The glamour of Chinese Traditional Arts
    4. 中国古代的礼仪风俗 – Customs and Cerimonies of Ancient Chinese Society
    5. 练习 – Exercises
  5. 中国对世界科学技术的贡献 – China’s Contribution to the World’s Science and Technology
    1. 中国古代造纸术和印刷术 – Papremaking and Printing of Ancient China
    2. 中国的丝绸和陶瓷 – The Silk and Porcelain of China
    3. 奇特的中医学 – The Unique Traditional Chinese Medicine
    4. 中国古代的数字学与天文学成就 – The Achievements of mathematics and Astronomy of Ancient China
    5. 练习 – Exercises
  6. 移民与中国社会变迁 – Migration and China’s Social Changes
    1. 中国历史上大移民的基本情况 – The Major Migrations in Chinese History
    2. 移民对汉语方言的影响 – Influence of the Migrations on Chinese Language
    3. 近代中国的移民情况 – Migrations in Modern China
    4. 海外华侨与中华文化 – Overseas Chinese and the Spread of Chinese Culture
    5. 练习 – Exercises
  7. 中西初识与碰撞 – Awarness and Collision Between China and the West
    1. 马可波罗和《马可波罗游记》 – Marco Polo and The Travel of Marco Polo
    2. 利玛窦与西方文明在中国的传播 – Matteo Ricci and the Spread of Western Civilization in China
    3. 明清帝王对西方文化在华传播的推动 – Ming and Qing Emperors’ Promotion of the Western Culture Spreading in China
    4. 利益之争与天主教在华的终结 – The Controversy over the Etiquette Rite and the End of Catholocism in China
    5. 练习- Exercises
  8. 近现代中国与西方文明 – China in Modern Times and Western Civilization
    1. 近代中国开眼着世界的第一批人物及其著作 – Modern China’s First Batch of Figures Learning from the Outside World and Their World
    2. 近代中国向西方学习的曲折与变迁 – The Complication and Turns of Learning from the West in Modern China
    3. 五四运动以后西方文明对中国人的影响 – Influence of Western Civilization after the May Fourth Movement
    4. 练习 – Exercises
  9. 当代中国人的生活 – The Life of Modern Chinese People
    1. 当代中国人的衣食住行 – Food, Clothing, Housing and Trasportation of Modern Chinese People
    2. 当代中国热的文化生活 – Cultural Life of Modern Chinese People
    3. 当代中国人眼中的世界 – The World in the Eyes of Modern Chinese People
    4. 练习 – Exercises
  10. 当代中国的政治制度级基本国策 – Political System and basic Policies of China in the Present Age
    1. 中国的选举制度及其本质 – The Election System of China and Its Nature
    2. 中国的政党制度与民主党派 – The Political Party System and Democratic Parties of China
    3. 中国的行政制度 – The Administration Sysem of China
    4. 中国的资源状况与人口 – The Situation of Resources and the Population in China
    5. 中国的环境政策 – China’s Enviraomental Protection Policy
    6. 练习 – Exercises
  11. 日益融入国际社会的中国 – China Gradually Integrating into the International Community
    1. 中国外交政策的基本特点- The Main Characteristics of China’s Foreign Policy
    2. 中国为维护世界和平所作出的贡献 – The Contibutions made by China for Maintaining the peace in the Worls
    3. 中国在社会全球经济领域的影响 – China’s Influence in Gloal Economy
    4. 练习 – Exercises


中国历史年代简表-  A Brief Chronology of Chinese History

重要人物索引 – Index of Key Persons

文化关键词索引 – Index of Key Words About Culture

词语表 – List of Words and Expressions

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso0.446 kg
Dimensioni25.3 × 19.5 × 1 cm

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