La cultura della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese studia la relazione reciproca che intercorre tra la Medicina Tradizionale Cinese e la cultura cinese tradizionale (TCC). A Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture introduce lo sfondo culturale, le basi teoriche, il modo di pensare, l’idea di valore e l’interesse estetico della TCM. La cultura è l’anima della TCM: questa insiste sull’unificazione della verità, della bontà e della bellezza, e ancora sul riconoscimento, sulla valutazione e sulle abilità estetiche. Senza il ricco humus della TCC, è impossibile penetrare il nucleo profondo della TCM.
Studiare la cultura della TCM aiuterà gli studenti a padroneggiare ed ottimizzare le tecniche cliniche.
Per venire incontro alla crescente richiesta di testi di medicina cinese da parte di studenti di TCM in Cina e all’estero, la Higher Education Press, in collaborazione con Higher Education Department e Ministry of Education, ha pubblicato una serie di testi bilingui (cinese, inglese) che copre il programma d’esame dei praticanti (agopunturisti) di TCM sia in Cina che all’estero. Oltre ai contenuti classici della TCM, sono stati aggiunti i risultati delle ricerche più recenti, a testimoniare un moderno approccio accademico e il riconoscimento dell’importanza delle nuove conoscenze, accanto all’impianto tradizionale. Teoria e pratica sono collegate strettamente e i testi si adattano perfettamente ad un approccio di cooperazione e di scambio internazionale sulla TCM e mirano a fortificare la costruzione del sistema d’istruzione accademico sulla TCM all’estero.
I testi sono precisi e ben organizzati, la lingua concisa e scorrevole e grande sforzo è stato fatto per consegnare al lettore straniero una traduzione inglese fedele, corretta e aggiornata.
L’intento degli autori nella compilazione di questa collezione di opere è stato quello di presentare la TCM al mondo in maniera sistematica e completa, senza perdere le sue caratteristiche, e contemporaneamente di diffondere la cultura tradizionale della medicina cinese.
Questa collana è consigliata a studenti che studiano TCM all’estero, agli studenti cinese bilingui e agli studiosi impegnati nella ricerca sia in Cina che all’estero.
Elenco dei contenuti:
Introduction Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Culture
- Cultural Origin of TCM
- Characteristics of TCM System
- TCM and Ancient Philosophy
- Relationship between Chinese Character, Chinese Literture and TCM
- The Relationship between Religio, Military, Science and Technology, Education and TCM
- The Specific Thinking Way of TCM
- Aesthetic Conception of TCM
- Basic Conception inTCM
- Means and Methodology
- Moral Character in TCM
- Comparison between TCM and Western Medicine (WM)
- Modern Education of TCM
- The Development of TCM Culture
Prefazione ad opera del prof. Wang Yongyan:
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)is an integrative medicine containing scinece, humanism and characteristics of Chinese culture. It’s our responsability to follow the traditions of TCM, keep its advantage, and innovate tis medicine for the benefit of human health. International TCM education is an important platform to disseminate this excellent cultural legacy of China to the world. Among the overseas students who come to China to learn natural science, the number of TCM students have been steadly increasing and are the greatest in number. More and more foreign students dream of coming to China for comprehensive and systematic TCM education in an overall and systematic way. In addition, lots of foreign students who either study or get advanced training in China also play a significant role in extending the international influence of TCM throgh disseminating what they have learned in China after they return home.
Communication barriers may arise from the differences of geographic regions, cultures, languages and learning habits between the east and the west; the ancient and profund TCM theory may also cause difficulty in understanding. Therefore it is indeed neessary to compile a set of good textbooks for international TCM education.
I feel duty-bound to write the forewords for this set of textbooks for international TCM education upon the invitation of Higher Education Press. After reading the overall scheme and part of the book script, I found that this set of textbooks is novel in both the content and the format. For example: many vivid and objective charts and illustration are used to explain the essential TCM theory; typical cases and practical examples are used to sort out the idea of syndrome differentiation, demonstrate TCM skills and extract the essence of TCM syndrome diagnosis; easy-to-understand words are used with full consideration of the differences of learning habits; more is placed in training the students’holistic thinking ad clinical skills and giving them the idea of treaating diseases based on syndrome differentiation; the up-to-date TCM teaching and scientific research achievements are also combined in the textbooks; the standardized TCM terms and their English translation are adopted by following the rigouous criteria. Above all, the authors of the textbooks are all working on the frontier of both education and clinical practice. Therefore, the process of writing th e book is also a process of displaying their teaching experiences as well as cultivating the qua lified personnel.
I am sure that the publication of this seto of textbooks will promote and perfect the construction of textbooks for international TCM education. Let’s work together to spread the TCM career throughout the world, raise TCM academic level and promote the development of life science and medical science”.
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